January 24, 2005

KOTB Week 6 Tournament

Welcome to the Week 6 King of the Blog Tournament!

First all must hail the King, who has entered the last week of his reign, to be succeeded this week by a new king.

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This week we have 3 new blogs squaring off for the crown:

In the Outer Radical Centrist Randomness

Good luck to all 3 Pretenders. The judges for the tournament are as follows:

Bad Example
News From the Great Beyond

and on to the entries:

For submitted post:

and this weeks Challenge Question:

You have just been chosen as the King of the Blogs. Write a speech beginning you reign of terror.

The Responses:

That's it for now! Be sure to support your favorite pretender by linking to THIS post and tracking back to it. Mention the blog of your choice in the entry. Whichever blog gets the most trackbacks gains 3 extra points once again. Need help sending a trackback? Say no more! Go to this site, and use Wizbang's Standalone Trackback Pinger.

Posted by Nick Queen at January 24, 2005 01:54 AM

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